Thursday, March 20, 2014

Huxley's Brave New World

-Haunted by a vision of hell on earth
-Someday the entire world would live under a dictatorship
-enemies of freedom in United States/forces and devices (impersonal)
  •   Overpopulation
-birth of Christ and landing of Mayflower population doubled
-under developed countries will cause social unrest with gain in intervention of central gov't
-catholic church is pushing us into hands of communism because of their disbelief in birth control
-we practice death control in most intensive matter without balancing control of births
  •  Over organization
-more technology causes more organization
-advance in technology has caused advance in organization
-devices: propaganda linked to Hitler who used radio and impose his will on a mass of people
-methods available that could be used in bad situation
-our own advancing technology should not catch us by surprise in a situation we didn't foresee
-technology is distracting people all the time
-communist countries rely on TV and that's where it's at
-potential misuse of instrument
-soma: versatile drug
-drugs will profoundly change our mental states without doing any harm: pharmaceutical revolution
-need the consent of the ruled through drugs, new techniques of propaganda, by bypassing rational side of man appealing to subconscious and deeper emotions, making him love his slavery
-BNW could come to our shores
-start thinking about these problems i.e.. advances in technology & drugs
-think about/foresee the outcome of these new devices
-attacks advertising agencies
-democracy depends on individual voter making rational decision
-propagandists try to bypass rational decisions of these voters
-children are television and radio fathered
-children are susceptible/"brainwashing" used by communists
-fears the right people will not use devices and wrong people will use these devices in the wrong ways
-instruments for obtaining power
-power is dangerous in democracies
-devices limit power
-insist in education and individual values
-group morality/ethic contradicts genetic make up of people
-decentralization is important to give back to the voter for the power that comes with it
-Jefferson suggested break up units into smaller unites for democracy
-freedom is necessary for productive society
-need considerable measure of individual freedom
-scientists are given more freedom (Soviet regime)
-drones work for queen bees above
-Huxley supports democracy

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