Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vocabulary #8

1) Abase: (v) to lower; to put or bring down; degrade

2) Abdicate: (v) to give up a throne, right, power, claim, or responsibility 

3) Abomination: (n) anything greatly disliked; detestation 

4) Brusque: (adj) abrupt in manner; rough

5) Saboteur: (n) a person who commits or practices sabotage 

6) Debauchery: (n) excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures; intemperance

7) Proliferate: (v) to increase in number or spread rapidly and often excessively

8) Anachronism: (n) someone or something that is not in it's correct historical or chronological time

9) Nomenclature: (n) a set or system of names or terms by an individual or community; the names or terms comprising a set or system

10) Expurgate: (v) to purge or cleanse of moral offensiveness; to amend by removing words deemed offensive

11) Bellicose: (adj) inclined or eager to fight; aggressively hostile; belligerent; pugnacious

12) Gauche: (adj) lacking social grace; awkward; crude; tactless

13) Rapacious: (adj) inordinately greedy; predatory; extortionate

14) Paradox: (n) a self-contradictory and false proposition

15) Conundrum: (n) anything that puzzles; a riddle whose answer involves a pun or play on words

16) Anomaly: (n) someone or something that is abnormal or does not fit in; peculiarity; abnormality; exception 

17) Ephemeral: (adj) lasting a short time; short-lived

18) Rancorous: (adj) full of or showing rancor (hatred)

19) Churlish: (adj) boorish; rude; mean

20) Precipitous: (adj) extremely steep

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