Wednesday, February 12, 2014

BNW Notes Chapter 3

Chapter 3
--"Imagine the folly of allowing people to play elaborate games which do nothing whatever to increase consumption. It's madness," mused the Director
--trying to get the children involved in erotic play
--the controller, Mustapha Mond, enters during playtime while in the park
--one of the top ten world controllers
--straight from the mouth of Ford himself
--home was a rabbit hole hot with frictions of tightly packed life reeking with emotion
--"Manically, the mother brooded over her children...brooded over them like a cat over its kittens; but a cat that could talk, a cat that..."
--pregnancy substitutes are given to young girls
--Ford v. Freud
--his theory was the world was full of fathers, therefore the world was full of misery
--family was dangerous and full of madness and suicide
--impulse and energy
--repetition: "But every one belongs to every one else."
--Lenina Crowne has been with Henry Foster for four months
--she needs to have another man
--"Think of water under pressure in a pipe."
--meant to feel strongly, in solitude, in hopelessly individual isolation
--stability: the primal and ultimate need
--imagery: "Impulse arrested spills over,...of the barrier."
--Assistant Predestinator
--Lenina has found interest in Bernard Marx, an Alpha Plus
--he doesn't like obstacle golf
--liberty was to be miserable, freedom to be a round peg in a square hole
--introduces hearsay about religion and government and history
--adapting future demand to future industrial supply: "Ending is better than mending,"
--Fanny is trying to discourage Lenina
--introduction to Shakespeare
--multiple thoughts and conversations carried out in the end?
--no ability to get old
--"Suffer little children," said the Controller.

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