Monday, February 17, 2014

BNW Notes Chapter 5

Part 1
--Lenina is sleeping with both Henry and Bernard
--social classes are very hateful towards each other
--"We can't do without anyone."
--it's your conditioning that makes you think the way you do
--a switchback occurs when someone finally and definitely disappears
--"The sexophones wailed like melodious cats under the moon..."
--repetition of "good-night, dear friends"
--taking contraceptives and precautions had become automatic for Lenina (automatic as blinking)

Part 2
--a celebration (like a party or holiday) is taking place
--"Oh, he's coming!" The Greater Being
--twelve as one
--Bernard was as miserably isolated now as he had been when the service began
--he was separate while the others were being fused into the Greater Being
--Morgana's eyebrow thought Bernard

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